“B.C. lifts most COVID-19 restrictions as long as masks and vaccine cards are used ” This news is an important issue for anyone who lives in B.C., but this news mentions some decisions that are too fast for the current B.C. Here are some of the stronger reasons.

Restaurants, bars and nightclubs may also return to full capacity. with no table size limits. Dancing is allowed once again. The order also includes the relaxation of restrictions on Fitness centres and adult sports with no capacity limits as long as masks are worn, and vaccine cards are used. “But according to my survey, BC reported 16,671 new coronavirus infections in the past 14 days, including 3,287 on February 7. That’s not an optimistic number.

Secondly, it has been mentioned in the news that people who wear masks and vaccination cards can attend indoor gatherings and parties, which accounted for a large part of the rapidly increasing number of infections between December and February. So it may be a wise choice to lift the restrictions in this area now. Even with two doses of vaccine, there is no guarantee of 100% protection from novel coronavirus infection.

Finally, the news says, “The availability of vaccines for school-age children changes school risk. However, only 55% of British Columbia children aged 5 to 11 years have received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine.” But there is no policy to deal with this. It is extremely dangerous to go to school with these vaccination rates and the government should temporarily open online courses for students to reduce the risk that they might get infected.

These reasons explain that the content of this news may not be suitable for the current BC, and may cause the number of PEOPLE infected with COVID-19 in BC to increase again.

Source list: JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data
