Brooklyn 99 is a highly humorous, entertaining show with offensive jokes and an impressive take on humor. It takes place in Brooklyn in the present day and includes various real problems in the world right now.  

The story follows Detective Jake Peralta messing around, never taking his job seriously while his colleagues must clean up his mess. Captain Raymond Holt takes over as the precinct’s superior adviser and tames Jake Peralta’s inner child.

The story talks about many sensitive subjects such as how life may be unfair for being a part of either the LGBTQ+, black, or such as in this shows case both. Raymond Holt is a hard-working man fitting both those descriptions who was never ashamed to show his true self. He never hesitated to stand up for other people going against his superiors. 

Despite being a comedy, the creators of the show, Dan Goor and Michael Schur, use classic writing techniques having a few multiple genres while keeping the main comedy base.

Jake Peralta went from a guy who never thought about repercussions and was quite irresponsible, to man that is humbled by his peers and environment. Before he was unable to feel empathy for others, but his mindset changed for the better.

In the final season, Rosa Diaz gets mad about the discrimination in the NYPD and takes drastic measures against her superiors. The true irony in that whole bit with Rosa is that in the very first episode of Brooklyn 99, she suggests police brutality.

Sargent Terry Jeffords was walking through his neighborhood and was stopped by a fellow police officer because he was “black.” In this episode, the show goes very deep into apologizing and making what the officer did better even though he does not feel bad and, in the end, does not apologize.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine photo