Sebastian R. Ortega / Staff reporter
On December 16, a virtual concert from the music program might possibly bring together 800 seniors to play live online. It will be live on Zoom, and recordings of the virtual concert will be found in YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and the school’s website completely for free.
Students from the jazz band, vocal jazz, and concert choir are non-stop practicing for this concert. The music students will all get assessed for this performance.
There will be no type of fundraising for this music concert. Fundraising was used to fund trips outside the country to places like Havana Cuba, or to maintain instruments. Trovato says that there are still funds from last year’s concerts and is not too troubled about this fact.
When interviewed, Trovato mentioned that he is hopeful for a COVID vaccine and commented that,
“We should just take it one day at a time”, said music teacher Edward Trovato.
Further announcements from the school’s social media will determine if this event will happen in December.