December story
Josh Abel/Staff reporter
Most times when global news is showing events of mass terror and destruction you see it in areas in the middle east, you never tend to see it in places like Europe. Then why is there a rising amount of terror acts in the U.K and France?
As shown many European countries are no stranger to acts of terror and mass violence. Shootings are a rare event in Germany, even with the rival gangs they tend not to see much gun activity. According to berlins crime rate has risen exponentially over the past three years. Is this to suggest that Germany being one of the safest countries in Europe according to the index is slowly becoming more unsafe?
Most countries surrounding Germany tend to rate low on the crime index except for France, France being no stranger to criminal activity and large acts of violence. Europe is generally one of the safest continents in the world.
In December there was a shooting in berlin, in September there was an Islamist terror stabbing in France, February 2020 three people were stabbed in south London, and in June 2020 three people were found dead in London’s Reading park.
I believe that although Europe is quite safe, the amount of terror attacks that have happened in both France and the U.K. over the past few years will have some upward escalation on crime.
In October of 2020 there was a mass Islamic terror attack in France. Most of the mass crime posing a threat to national security in Europe has to do with Islamic Regimes and terror organizations.
In my opinion the amount of terror attacks that have happened over the past few years within the U.K. and France will have some impact on crime to come in other countries in Europe. With Germany being adjacent to France it can only suggest that the incidents in France along with Germanys rising crime rates could show the elevated risk of crime within Europe.