Sophia Recinto/Staff reporter  


The gender sexuality alliance club, or GSA, has organized a Christmas-themed fundraiser for this holiday season. It will be a Christmas craft market taking place in mid-December with the goal to raise enough money to construct a second gender-neutral bathroom on the top floor.   

David Gilbar, a digital literacy and technology teacher, is the staff sponsor of the club. The student sponsors are Mel Baird, Callum Tam, and Kay Theron, all in grade 12.  

Jewelry, soaps, candles, crochet work, and stickers will be up for sale, each one handcrafted together by the students of the club. The members formed groups for which item they wanted to create. “It’s a group effort, so everyone’s kind of working on whatever they have skills in at the moment,” said Baird. The date, location, and prices are still to be determined and will be revealed closer to the event.  

Naomi Pausche, a senior, has been in the GSA since grade 9. The years spent in the club have been a great experience, according to Pausche, who has been cutting out drawings to be made into sellable stickers for the event.   

“I think this club is really welcoming; it’s [a] really safe [and] nice community,” voiced Brian Cheng, a member of the group. Cheng has been making progress in crocheting a snowflake as part of the winter theme.   

The GSA is still open and glad to welcome anybody who is interested in joining. They meet every Wednesday for lunch in room 226.