Student reporter: Riley Grant
A study was conducted on college students where a group of students would have their phones and receive distracting texts and a group of students would not have their phones. They attended a 20-minute lecture then the lecture was TED talk made by Dr. Sam Richards called “A Radical Experiment in Empathy.” were tested on it with a 4-part test not surprisingly the people who didn’t have their phones tested a lot better than the people who had access to their phones.
The people without phones had increased memory and scores on their tests. The next study was with people who had nomophobia (The fear of not having your phone) and they were preformed worst on the third part of the test when they started to worry about their phone and what was happening.
Although there are some inaccuracies with this experiment like the time of the lecture being shorter and not accurate to an actual class, I think if they conducted this experiment on with an actual lecture then the results would be different and maybe the students with phones would do a little better.
In my opinion this proves that even having your phone near you can keep you distracted from learning and progressing in the classes you’re taking
Cell phones affecting school work